countdown clock

ECS Inc.’s Timing Solutions Experts Help You Select the Right Electronic Components Online

Engineers who develop designs for a variety of applications will often require real time clocks to ensure that quality time is kept, even when a device is powered down or in “sleep mode.”

ECS Inc.’s real time clocks include full-on drop-in timing solutions, in that they contain all of the components necessary for this product to function as expected: a controller, oscillator and quartz resonator.

Depending on your needs, there is a real time clock fitted with ECS Inc.’s signature components that will help you complete your design work. Searching for electronic components online from ECS Inc., including real time clocks, has never been easier – particularly after you have an understanding of how to select the right product for your inventory – and that begins with understanding the versatility of ECS Inc.’s real time clock products.

Discover the Versatility ECS Inc.’s Real Time Clock Products

ECS Inc. offers four real time clock products with different distinctions, depending on your application’s needs:

Each of these timing solutions is useful for particular conditions in which the real time clock is situated. An engineer designing a new product that requires a real time clock should know: if the application has regular access to power, if it has a limited supply of power (such as battery power) or if the planned product already has access to a powered stable clock from another device, instead of needing to power a built-in clock for your specific application.

Real Time Clocks for Continuously Powered Applications

The ECS-RTC-3225-5609 is your best choice for fixed or rack-mounted equipment that has access to continuous power. These real time clocks have a higher current draw than ECS Inc.’s other real time clocks and sufficient stability for most applications. These products, which are additionally outfitted with a battery backup, will maintain the internal clock and, in the event of a power outage, can pick up where they left off.

Real Time Clocks for Limited Power Applications

The ECS-RTC-3225-5699C3 and ECS-RTC-3225-5699HS real time clocks have lower current draws, so that they do not drain their power source while performing tasks. Further, the 5699C3 offers a low current draw, as well as the best stability option for applications that require a high performance under more stringent conditions without experiencing frequency drift. Both products include temperature compensated crystal oscillators ( TCXOs ) to provide an effective frequency over a wider range of temperatures.

Real Time Clocks for Applications with an External Stable Clock

The ECS-RTC-SOP8-5101A product draws its clock function from an external stable clock (a 32.768 kHz crystal), offering a low-cost timing solution that does not require an engineer to seek out an internal component when shopping for electronic components online.

Examples of Applications for ECS Inc.’s Real Time Clock Products

Each of these real time clocks can be used for specific applications in a wide range of industries, depending on the application’s stability and current draw needs, as well as additional factors, which can be explored by viewing ECS Inc.’s real time clock inventory, model information and data sheets.

  • RTCs for Building Applications, such as Printers and Copiers:
    The ECS-RTC-3225-5609, which is the standard choice for applications with a continuous power source, can be used in a variety of applications that require a stable frequency, and – because of this RTC’s battery backup – the application can continue to run. A prime example is a printer or copier that requires a clock to store and record date and time.
  • RTCs for Remotely Deployed Devices, Such as Weather Stations:
    The ECS-RTC-3225-5699C3 and ECS-RTC-3225-5699HS, the superior choice for applications on a limited battery supply, are used in cases where the product does not have a high current draw when it is in use. For example, these timing solutions may be installed in a remotely deployed device such as a weather station. The weather station can be programmed to turn on every four hours, then sleep when it is not in use. Weather analysts are then able to get a stable, consistent reading without having to supply the device with continuous power.
  • RTCs for Devices that Rely on an External Clock, Including GPS and Building Management Systems:
    The ECS-RTC-SOP8-5101A can draw its real time clock function externally. A portable
    GPS system is an apt illustration
    of a device that can keep quality time that is drawn
    from a GPS satellite that contains an RTC, so that time is still maintained in the
    background, even if the device itself powers down. Building Management Systems
    provide the same external timing solution for all the functions they control. Because the
    BMS is keeping track of time externally, the systems that depend on it will not have to
    entirely reboot in the case of a power outage.

Explore ECS Inc.’s Real Time Clock Solutions and Crystal Electronic Components Online

The most important decisions that an engineer in the design sector can make in regard to real time clocks is what stability and current draw they can live with to ensure that their application works effectively. Engineers should consider the trade-offs they want to make on stability to get a lower current draw, as well as other tradeoffs to find the product that fits their needs.

ECS Inc. understands that finding the right timing solution includes several considerations. ECS Inc.’s parametric search can help designers filter available electronic components to find the precise product that will meet their requirements. ECS Inc. provides a variety of electronic components online, but when engineers do not immediately find what they are looking for, the technicians at ECS Inc. can customize products for designers whose requirements may fall outside of what they find in the current inventory listing.

ECS Inc. is your support mechanism and engineering resource for the frequency solutions your specific applications need. ECS Inc.’s partnerships and strategic planning have resulted in a full development pipeline over the past three years without the disruptions that other manufacturers may have experienced. ECS Inc. is able to meet your needs for production, as well as troubleshooting, today.

For general information, contact ECS Inc.’s headquarters. Engineers can also search ECS Inc.’s list of distributors and sales representatives. ECS Inc. looks forward to providing an innovative, high performing frequency solution that meets or exceeds your specifications.

Considerations for Choosing the Right Real Time Clock was last modified: June 27th, 2023 by ECS Inc.