Electronic Components For Networking And Communications

ECS Inc. has created numerous new products designed to enhance all types of network and communication technology. Our components are designed for prolonged battery life and low load capacitance to optimize power consumption. Listed below are a few of the common applications for networking and communications frequency control components:

  • Network Infrastructure
  • Wireless Communications
  • Satellite Communications
  • GPS Systems
  • Optical Communications
  • IoT
  • Broadcasting
  • Test + Measurement Equipment
  • Network Time Servers

Explore ECS Inc.’s Product Overview

ECS Inc. International offers a range of advanced frequency control products designed to meet the diverse needs of networking and communications industries. Our precision-engineered crystals, oscillators and resonators are crucial for ensuring signal stability, timing accuracy and reliable data transfer across various applications.

The 32.768 kHz tuning fork and MHz crystals are designed with high precision, providing exceptional frequency stability required for robust network infrastructure, from switches to routers. Oscillators deliver accurate timing signals essential for wireless communication devices, including mobile phones and base stations. Ultimately, our innovative frequency control solutions deliver exceptional performance across communication and networking technologies.

32.768 kHz Tuning Fork Crystals

Surface Mount Crystals

Real Time Clocks (RTC)

MultiVolt Quartz Oscillators

Power Inductors

Surface Mount Crystal
Rendering of an ECS Inc. International Real Time Clock

Reliable Electronic Components for Networking and Communications Applications

Today, we have advanced our connectivity both personally and professionally, with a wide range of communication and networking technologies. The ability of smart devices to remotely communicate with wireless networks is considered essential for the (IoT) Internet of Things.

Thanks to the many networking systems set in place across the globe, we can stay connected to people in even the most remote locales. Families can stay in touch, remote education is possible, and international business opportunities are only a few keystrokes away.

Due to innovations in other industries such as consumer electronics, the sheer capabilities in the fields of networking and communications is enormous. Like its predecessor radio, which changed our society on such a profound level, wireless technology has created another paradigm shift that has radically transformed how we operate in our world today.


First and foremost, networking and communications tech is crucial for enabling people to be connected. From cellphones, email, telecommunications and more, individuals and groups can interact with each other with unprecedented ease. All the other subcategories on this list are variations of how communications assist in improving our daily lives.


Having the ability to communicate effectively is essential for most companies to thrive. Communication technology promotes customer service, enables employers to interact with their employees, and helps businesses to stay in sync with all aspects of their day-to-day operations. A great example of the critical role networking and communication technology plays in today’s global economy is how it afforded many companies the ability to continue operating in the wake of the 2020 COVD-19 pandemic. Countless employees were able to work remotely during the lock-down crisis. Not only were businesses able to continue operating and paying their employees but the global economy, as a whole, was “saved” from complete disaster because modern network and communication technologies were advanced enough and available to support the alternative remote workforce solutions businesses needed to implement immediately.


The concept of telemedicine has been around for over a century. Medical practitioners were able to consult with doctors remotely with various scenarios via radio. This process continues to this day with paramedics in the field consulting with ER doctors for medical orders. Doctors are also able to see their patients from afar via telecommunications, as well as provide consultations for medical specialties across the globe.


The number of college courses that are taken online have increased exponentially over the years. Working adults are now able to work on completing their degrees from home, during their off-hours, instead of trying to fit on-campus course work into their already busy schedules. Many teachers have been teaching classes remotely to international students for years. In 2020 every school-age child in America had to convert to online education in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Networking and communication technology was instrumental in allowing educators and students the opportunity to continue education.


Networking and communication tech is an essential aspect of many peoples’ entertainment systems. Communication tech is the foundation that allows consumers to watch TV via cable or satellite, stream videos via subscription based entertainment services, or watch and record videos on their social media platforms. Interactive gaming and MMORPG’s (massive multiplayer roleplaying games) is a multibillion-dollar industry that is made possible by the advances in networking and communication technology.

Social Media

Networking and communication tech made this widespread industry possible. Social media has changed how businesses interact with their customer base. It has also profoundly affected how families and friends interact. Increased numbers of people are developing friendships with others across social media platforms vs. in real life. Remote distances are now less likely to make individuals feel removed, as people can now talk and text with each other as often as they like. Through social media, many people can combat isolation by finding friendships with like-minded individuals across the globe.

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