Crystal Selection Tools, Engineering Calculators, and Reference Designs.
ECS Inc. equips engineers with a comprehensive design toolkit, streamlining every project stage from conception to production.
STM32 Crystal Selection Tool
STMicro has featured ECS Inc. in over 60 references for the STM32 LSE kHz clock and over 600 references for the HSE MHz clock. Use the STM32 Selection Tool to find the appropriate crystal for your STMicro MCU.
SPC5 and STM8 Automotive Crystal Selection Tool
Designed to help engineers select the appropriate crystal for their application, ECS Inc.’s PPM to Hz Calculator provides data based on system specifications and requirements.
PPM to HZ Calculator
Designed to help engineers select the appropriate crystal for their application, ECS Inc.’s PPM to Hz Calculator provides data based on system specifications and requirements.
Load Capacitance Calculator
The Load Capacitance Calculator aids in accurately selecting critical component values, streamlining complex calculations for efficiency.
Stability + Time Calculator
Gain insights into a design systems stability and accuracy over time with the Stability + Time Calculator. Designed to predict worst-case time lost based on the ppm drift.
Reference Designs
ECS Inc. has selected reference designs that are intended for others to copy that establish proof of concept. The reference designs help support companies as they develop their next gen products.
Contact us if you need additional information or have a specific requirement for your application.